Fishing is a fun activity when you want to spend a relaxing day on the water. While it’s an excellent spring and summer pastime, it does require that you put in some preparation before you head out. After all, you don’t want your fishing boat to reach the middle of a lake to realize that you left some important supplies back at home. To help you keep a well-stocked tackle box, we’ve compiled this list of essential items.


There are several types of lures that are designed to catch different kinds of fish. You should have plenty of lures including minnow imitations, top-water lures, spinners, and spoons aboard your fishing boat. Over time and practice, you’ll soon have your favorite lures but it’s always good to experiment to see which lures work best in different circumstances.


Bobbers are also called floaters, and these lightweight tools let you know when you’ve caught a fish. If the bobber sinks, it means that there’s a fish at the end of the line. Round red and white bobbers are commonly used but restrict how deep you can cast your line. Slip bobbers slide up and down lines, allowing you to get your hook deeper in the water.


Hook and worm lures are too light to sink deep into the water so you’ll need a sinker. You need to keep some extra sinkers in your tackle box as these heavy, small devices are easy to lose on your fishing boat. You can also buy sinkers that are made of steel, bismuth, tungsten, and brass.

Needle-Nose Pliers

This small tool can be a very versatile addition to your tackle box. These pliers are quite useful when you want to remove hooks from fish once you’ve pulled them onto your fishing boat. They’re also used to bend wires or remove other items that may be causing some problems. A pair of pliers is helpful for many reasons, so make sure you carry them.

Extra Line

An extra line is indispensable for anglers of all stripes because it’s easy for lines to get tangled up or even break while fishing. If you plan to take your fishing boat on rough waters, you should have some extra heavy-duty line. Thin and clear lines are good options for inland waters.

We hope you find this tackle box essentials guide useful in preparing for your future fishing boat trips. If you’d like more information or are looking for fishing boats for sale in Leduc, AB, get in touch with us at Schwab's RV World and have a chat with one of our expert staff. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Edmonton.